react native ScrollView items with uniform padding at the top and bottom

I'm currently working on a scroll component that resembles a gallery of images. My goal is to center the images based on the device height with equal padding on both the top and bottom. However, I'm facing an issue where the top padding does not look consistent across different devices. I would appreciate any assistance in achieving a uniform appearance on all devices.

To retrieve the height and width of the device, I am utilizing the Dimension API.

const {width: screenWidth, height: screenHeight} = 
    const width = screenWidth;
    const height = screenHeight;

<View style={styles.DefaultView}>
           contentContainerStyle={{flexGrow : 1, justifyContent : 'center'}}
           {, i) => (
              <View key={i}>
                      style={{width, height}}
                      source={{uri: row.src}}

const styles = StyleSheet.create({
    scrollView: {
        flex: 1,
        flexDirection: 'row',
    DefaultView: {
        flex: 1,
        backgroundColor: '#000',

Please view the image linked here for the current output

Answer №1

you can easily adjust the styling of the content container using the contentContainerStyle prop

    paddingTop: 25,
    paddingBottom: 25,

Answer №2

To achieve the desired look for your view with an image component, set the styles as follows:

<View style={{flex:1, justifyContent:'center', alignItems:'center'}}>... </View>

Avoid adding padding to the top and bottom, while also assigning a fixed height to the images.

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