What is the most concise way to align one table row in the middle and another at the top?

Is there a way to align different rows in a table vertically with minimal code?

I have a table with 3 rows, and I want the first two rows to be aligned vertically to the top, while the third row should be vertically aligned to the middle.

If I try to define:

td {vertical-align:top}
tr.middle {vertical-align:middle}

and assign class="middle" to the relevant <tr> in the HTML, it doesn't work because the td definition would persist.

The only solution I've found is to define:

td.top {vertical-align:top}
td.middle {vertical-align:middle}

and then apply the relevant class to every single td, but this results in too much code.

Is there any way to achieve this alignment with minimum effort?

Answer №1

Follow these simple steps without altering your HTML or incorporating additional classes.

tr:nth-child(1) td {vertical-align:top;}
tr:nth-child(2) td {vertical-align:middle;}
tr:nth-child(3) td {vertical-align:bottom;}

Check out the demonstration: http://jsfiddle.net/v68ao3pv/1

If you require compatibility with IE8:

tr:first-child td           {vertical-align:top;}
tr:first-child + tr td      {vertical-align:middle;}
tr:first-child + tr + tr td {vertical-align:bottom;}

View the demo here: http://jsfiddle.net/v68ao3pv/2/show

Answer №2

A solution exists! Utilize Descendant selectors to achieve your desired outcome. This involves assigning the class “top” to the first tr element and the class “middle” to the second one, then implementing the following CSS:

.top td{vertical-align:top}
.middle td{vertical-align:middle}
//     ↑
// Pay attention to THIS space.

By doing so, you can target all table cells within an element with either the top or middle class. This method proves to be highly practical and can be utilized frequently in styling elements. For a more in-depth look at CSS selectors, visit the W3 Consortium's website.

Answer №3

To enhance the effectiveness of your current CSS, elevate the specificity of the .middle rule selector:

td {vertical-align:top}
tr.middle td {vertical-align:middle}

With this adjustment, all td elements will default to aligning at the top while the more specific selector ensures that cells within the .middle rows are centered vertically.

Answer №4

It doesn't get any simpler than this example on Fiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/sqhxqdck/

If I understand your question correctly, all you really require is:

tr.top {
    vertical-align: top;

Thanks to the cascading nature of CSS.

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