An image on the left side of a perfectly aligned text

I am currently working on aligning an image and text for a logo. However, I am having trouble justifying the second line to the width of the block. Here is the desired result:

This is what I have tried:

@import url(,500); 
h1 {
    color: #333333;

h2 {
    text-transform: uppercase;
    color:  #434343;

img#logo {
    margin-top: 0px;
    font-family: 'Ubuntu', sans-serif;
    width: 230px; 
#logo_text h2{
    text-align: justify;
<img id="logo" src="">
<div id="logo_text">
    <h1>Build Home</h1>
    <h2>Industrial theme</h2>

Answer №1

In the world of CSS3, there exists a property called text-align-last. Unfortunately, this property has not been widely adopted by browsers yet. This means that in order to ensure functionality, it may be necessary to use prefixed versions of the property alongside the standard declaration.

Furthermore, when dealing with images and text alignment in CSS3, the text-justify: distribute property comes into play. However, as of March 2015, this feature is still largely unsupported across browsers, with only MSIE implementing it. As a workaround, utilizing the letter-spacing property by setting letter-spacing: 0.5ex can help achieve the desired effect.

Issues with margins on elements such as h1 and h2 can also impact layout consistency. By adjusting these margins or considering the use of div elements instead, the presentation can be more controlled and predictable.

To address the fragility of fixed width settings and improve flexibility, applying display: inline-block to both the #logo and .first elements can be beneficial. If needed, wrapping them in an additional div can help manage interactions with surrounding content.

To overcome limitations of CSS3 properties, alternatives like using empty :after pseudo-elements or negative word spacing have been suggested as workarounds. These methods can assist in achieving justified text without creating undesirable empty lines or spaces within the layout.

For further exploration of these techniques and their origins, references provided by Vjeux offer valuable insights:

For situations where challenges persist, options such as setting absolute height or adjusting word spacing can provide alternative solutions. By experimenting with different approaches, it is possible to find a suitable workaround for specific design requirements.

A related question addressing similar issues can be found here: Justify the last line of a div?

Answer №2

Here's a better alternative to using justify:

#logo_text h2{
  text-align: center;
 #logo_text h1{
  padding: 3px 0px;

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