Content displayed above a slideshow of images in a stunning gallery on Squarespace platform

Currently working on a one-page landing page using Squarespace and running into some issues with creating a slideshow. You can check out my website here (the slideshow is located at the bottom of the page):

Squarespace provides default options for text positioning, but only as overlays on images. I'm looking to have the description text for each image displayed at the top like a title.

I came across a similar question online, but the suggested CSS code isn't working for me (I'm just starting to learn CSS...)

Thank you in advance for any assistance you can provide!

Answer №1

The functionality to display image descriptions as overlays is already included in Squarespace by default, unless I have misunderstood your query. To activate this feature, simply check the box in the Gallery Block settings and ensure that your images are accompanied by descriptions. For more information, you can visit the following link:

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