Nginx try_files not functioning properly for serving css and images

I am attempting to route any requests that come from to my "Get Our App" page located at

Within my nginx.conf file, I have configured the following block:

#Redirecting all requests under /user/ to the "get App" page
  location /user/ {
    try_files $uri $uri/ /get_app.html;

The html file is successfully served; however, the css and images are not displaying. Instead, only a plain white page with the html content is shown. Interestingly, if I manually enter, the page displays correctly. What could be causing nginx to serve the file incorrectly when accessed through a redirect?

Answer №1

After some troubleshooting, I have settled on the following configuration:

location /user/ {
   return 301;

I opted for a simple redirect instead of utilizing try_files because it was causing issues with fetching CSS files from This redirect should serve my purpose effectively.

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