Vuetify displaying incorrectly following deployment

After creating a spa with vue.js for the frontend, I utilized the vuetify library for various components and layout. While everything looked great locally, upon deploying to Azure, all vuetify styling seemed to disappear. My custom css was still applying, but the vuetify-specific styles were not appearing. Despite checking the developer console for error messages, none were present. Any suggestions or insights on this issue?

Answer №1

Ensure that in your plugins/vuetify.js file, you are including the minified Vuetify CSS by adding the following line (refer to the documentation):

import Vue from 'vue';
import Vuetify from 'vuetify';
import 'vuetify/dist/vuetify.min.css' // <<< THIS


export default new Vuetify({

I had a similar issue because I forgot to add that line. The styling appeared correctly locally due to multiple style tags being included in the head element, but it wasn't working on my Azure static web app.

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