Plugin for jQuery that paginates text when it overflows

Looking for a solution here. I have a fixed width and height div that needs to contain text. If the text exceeds the size of the div, I want it to paginate with dots at the bottom of the page indicating each page, similar to slideshow functionality.

Are there any jQuery plugins out there that can help me achieve this? The ones I've come across are all based on un-ordered lists which isn't what I need. Scroll bars are not an option for me.

Appreciate any suggestions. Thanks!

Answer №1

Here is a helpful solution in the form of a small fiddle that addresses your needs. Some styling may be required, but the core functionality is already in place.

This code determines the number of pages based on the viewport size of the div and the height of the text. It then generates an unordered list for easy navigation.

By clicking on any item in the list, the corresponding page will be scrolled to within the fixed outer div by multiplying the index with the viewport height.

Check out the fiddle here

I trust this will be beneficial for you :).

Answer №2

While there may not be an existing plugin that specifically addresses this issue, a potential solution could involve breaking the text into chunks based on either character or word count. These chunks could then be placed in separate divs for use in a slideshow.

It's important to note that this method may not be precise due to variations in word wrapping, so adjustments may need to be made accordingly. Despite this limitation, it provides a starting point for addressing the problem at hand.

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