Scrolling the y-axis with a fixed height limit to prevent overflow

My current dilemma is a seemingly simple one:

<div class="container">
    <div class="a"></div>
    <div class="b"></div>
    <div class="c"></div>

Within the container, there are 3 divs: A and B have fixed heights, while C's height should adjust dynamically along with the container. If the content within C exceeds its size, I want it to scroll without affecting the positions of A and B.

Code available at:

Despite multiple attempts, I have yet to achieve the desired outcome.

I experimented with:

<div class="container">
    <div class="a"></div>
    <div class="b"></div>
    <div class="xxx" style="overflow-y:scroll">
       <div class="c"></div>

However, this approach did not yield the expected results as the container div should resize according to the browser window.

A suitable example can be found at (specifically related to layout adjustments when resizing the browser). Yet, this method involves JavaScript for recalculations, which is not an ideal solution.

Any thoughts or suggestions?

Answer №1

Revision 3:

In my revised solution, I have incorporated CSS as a fallback option from the previous edit but added JavaScript functionality to dynamically resize div elements upon page load and window size changes. This combination ensures a visually appealing layout even if JavaScript is disabled. The JS code snippet can be found below, and you can view a live demo on this link.

var resizeDiv = function(){
    document.getElementById('c').style.height = getWindowHeight() - 64 + 'px';

//Reusable method
var getWindowHeight = function(){
    if (window.innerHeight) {
        return window.innerHeight;
    if (document.body && document.body.offsetHeight) {
        return document.body.offsetHeight;
    if (document.compatMode=='CSS1Compat' &&
        document.documentElement &&
        document.documentElement.offsetHeight ) {
        return document.documentElement.offsetHeight;

    return 740;//default height value

//Initiate resizing on pageload
window.onresize = resizeDiv;

To address your specific issue with the third div's height, I recommend setting it to take up the remaining space using absolute or percentage values, ensuring overflow is hidden on the parent container, allowing inner content to dictate scrollbar presence. Check out an updated fiddle demonstrating this aspect here.


Considering your mention of "Imagine the container is the browser", adjusting overflow to 'scroll' and setting the third div's height to 'auto' ought to display the scrollbar correctly inside the main container. See the modified example in action here.

Further Edit #2:

Based on your feedback regarding the percentage approach, utilizing percentage heights for all sections seems suitable. However, keep in mind the limitations mentioned regarding fixed vs. dynamic content placement. Another alternative involves setting a minimum window size and adjusting the third element's percentage accordingly. Here is a suggested implementation here. For optimal results, consider incorporating event listeners to adjust div sizes dynamically upon window resize.

Note: A blend of percentage and pixel units for sizing properties would simplify these scenarios immensely!

Answer №2

Perhaps what you're looking for is located here: It's unclear how to remove the hidden divs that are causing the scrollbar to disappear, but one possible solution could be setting a fixed width?

Answer №3

To achieve a scrollable overflow in the .container, use overflow-y:scroll

Take a look at this example:

Edit (after comments):


    background-color: red;
    width: 90%;
    margin: 0 auto; 

   background-color: yellow;
   height: 30px;  
   margin: 2px;    

   background-color: blue;
   height: 30px;
   margin: 2px;    

   background-color: green;
   overflow-y: scroll;    


<div class="container">
    <div class="a"></div>
    <div class="b"></div>
    <div class="c"><img src="" alt=""/></div>

Edit:2 (after comments)

Update the style of .c with the following:

       background-color: green;
       overflow-y: scroll;    

Here is the updated fiddle:

Answer №4

A div element will only display a scroll bar when content is added to it. Check out the demonstration here: jsfiddle

Answer №5

After reviewing your jsFiddle content, it appears that you can easily include the following line in the style definitions for your .container class:


To observe any scrolling effects, make sure to insert some content into the .c div.

Answer №6

Is this answer suitable for your needs? Click here to view

    background-color: red;
    width: 90%;
    margin: 0 auto;

    height: 315px;
   background-color: yellow;
   height: 30px;  
   margin: 2px;    
width: 90%;

   background-color: blue;
   height: 30px; 
   margin: 2px;    
width: 90%;

   background-color: green;
   height: 250px; 
   margin: 2px; 
width: 90%;    
   overflow-y: scroll;    

Answer №7

Understanding your intention from the question is a bit challenging, but if this is what you aim to achieve, I have identified a few issues within your code:

  1. To prevent the green box from protruding beyond the container, it was necessary to conceal overflow on the red box.
  2. In case the content in the green box exceeds its dimensions, a scrollbar is desired. Although the previous height setting (250px) allowed for scrolling, it caused the box to extend outside of the container. The appropriate approach is to determine the remaining space within the container and assign that as the height, which in this case is 132px. By enabling overflow scroll, any content surpassing this designated height will become scrollable.

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