Code for switching between accordion panels with a simple button press

I took some code snippets from a website and developed a shopping cart accordion module. The complete code is available on my CodePen profile, you can access it through this link:

<div class="summary">
 <button class="expand btn btn-lg">Collapse All for Summary</button>

The HTML snippet above includes a button named "Collapse All for Summary" at the bottom. This button's functionality is to toggle all the accordion tabs open or closed when clicked. When initially opening the page, the accordion tabs work smoothly. However, after implementing the toggle button feature using JavaScript, clicking on the tabs no longer functions as expected, likely due to CSS class changes.

Here is the JavaScript function I created for the toggle functionality:


   if($('').css('max-height')== '0px'){
      'max-height': '900px'

   }else if($('').css('max-height')== '900px'){
      'max-height': '0px'



Associated CSS rules for the script and button div:{
  max-height: 0px;

Your assistance in resolving this issue would be greatly appreciated. Any suggestions or workarounds are welcome. Please help me identify and correct any mistakes I may have made. Thank you!

Best regards, .SH

Answer №1

Your code has been enhanced to incorporate expand/collapse functionality, although it may need some cleaning up before implementation. Despite its messy state, it effectively accomplishes the task.

The modifications include using arrays to iterate through single or multiple items depending on whether you click an individual item or the expand/collapse all button. The advantage here is that it retains the core essence of the original code while allowing for toggling classes on several items at once.

Detailed explanations have been added as comments in the JavaScript code.

Answer №2

To dynamically change the CSS class of an element with JavaScript, you can utilize methods like .toggleClass to achieve this. In addition, setting the appropriate value for max-height in your CSS is essential:

** Updated JS **


** Updated CSS **

.accordionItem {max-height: 800px;} {max-height: 0px;}

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