Shifting a div element around the webpage and letting it fall into place if it intersects with another div using plain JavaScript

Check out this jsFiddle link. Upon opening it, you will encounter a moveable div. However, I am looking to enhance this functionality by allowing the div to disappear if moved to the 'trash' area. Essentially, when you place the moveable div in the trash, it should vanish. Thank you for your assistance!

Here is my code snippet for moving the div:

var selected = null; // Object of the element being moved
var x_pos = 0;
var y_pos = 0; 
var x_elem = 0; 
var y_elem = 0; 

// Function to initialize dragging of an element
function _drag_init(elem) {
    selected = elem;
    x_elem = x_pos - selected.offsetLeft;
    y_elem = y_pos - selected.offsetTop;

// Function to move the element while dragging
function _move_elem(e) {
    x_pos = document.all ? window.event.clientX : e.pageX;
    y_pos = document.all ? window.event.clientY : e.pageY;
    if (selected !== null) { = (x_pos - x_elem) + 'px'; = (y_pos - y_elem) + 'px';

// Destroy the object after completion
function _destroy() {
    selected = null;

// Bind the functions...
document.getElementById('draggable-element').onmousedown = function () {
    return false;

document.onmousemove = _move_elem;
document.onmouseup = _destroy;

Answer №1

If more than 50% of the area is trash, discard the div

  1. Determine the x, y coordinates of both the trash and dragged elements
  2. Calculate the overlapping area between them
  3. If the overlap is greater than half of the div's area, hide it


function getPosition(el) {
  var _x = 0;
  var _y = 0;
  while (el && !isNaN(el.offsetLeft) && !isNaN(el.offsetTop)) {
    _x += el.offsetLeft - el.scrollLeft;
    _y += el.offsetTop - el.scrollTop;
    el = el.offsetParent;
  return {
    top: _y,
    left: _x

function considerDiscarding() {
  var dragged = getPosition(document.getElementById('draggable-element'));
  var x11 = dragged.left;
  var x12 = dragged.left + 100;
  var y11 =;
  var y12 = + 100;
  var trashed = getPosition(document.getElementById('trash'));
  var x21 = trashed.left;
  var x22 = x21 + 100;
  var y21 =;
  var y22 = y21 + 100;
  x_overlap = Math.max(0, Math.min(x12, x22) - Math.max(x11, x21));
  y_overlap = Math.max(0, Math.min(y12, y22) - Math.max(y11, y21));
  overlapArea = x_overlap * y_overlap;
  if (overlapArea > 100 * 50) {
    document.getElementById('draggable-element').style.display = 'none';

See implementation here


Retrieve coordinates

Calculate overlapped area

Answer №2

To find a solution that works, you can view my modified version of your jsFiddle

To address the issue at hand, I utilized the overlap function recommended in this particular answer, which makes use of Element.getBoundingClientRect()

function checkOverlap(element1, element2) {
    var rect1 = element1.getBoundingClientRect();
    var rect2 = element2.getBoundingClientRect();
    return !(rect1.right < rect2.left || 
                rect1.left > rect2.right || 
                rect1.bottom < || 
       > rect2.bottom)

// Clean up the object once we're finished
function _destroy() {
    // Check if an element is currently selected
    if (selected) {
        // Verify if the selected item overlaps with the trash element
        if (checkOverlap(selected, document.getElementById('trash'))) {
            // Remove the selected item from the DOM
    selected = null;

Answer №3

Below is a brief overview of the solution to your inquiry.

Link to Code Implementation

I have devised a function isInTrash(element) which assesses whether an element is in the trash and returns true if it is.

The criteria for verification includes determining if the mouse cursor, bearing the draggable element, rests inside the designated trash zone.

In addition, consider implementing some form of visual indication for the user when the element is being dragged over the trash area.

You can integrate the isInTrash function within your current function _move_elem(e) and adjust the color of the draggable element accordingly.

For further enhancement regarding feedback functionality, refer to:

Advanced Feedback Solution

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