Problem with fetching Grails

I have a table nested within an anchor tag. The table is centered on the page, with each row containing an image. When the page loads, I noticed the following:

a) The table initially appears at the top-left corner of the screen. b) As there are multiple values to fill in the table, it seems to blink and I can see it being constructed gradually. c) Once the table is fully loaded, it moves back to its centered position.

My concern is that the page displays before everything is completely loaded. How can I ensure that the content is only displayed once all elements are fully loaded? Is there a way to achieve that?

Answer №1

To start, hide the table initially by using either visibility:hidden or display:none in the CSS. Then, reveal the table once the page has fully loaded by implementing the following JQuery JavaScript code:

$(function() {

In this script, replace mytable with the actual ID of your table.

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