Conceal / reveal minuscule letters

Is it feasible to hide or select only the lowercase characters of a string using CSS?

<p>Richard Parnaby-King</p>

How can I display just RPK?

While ::first-letter allows me to show the letter R, is there a way to go further with this?

p {
p::first-letter {
<p>Richard Parnaby-King</p>


I aim to animate the letters out. For example, having a CSS animation that transitions from RPK to Richard Parnaby-King upon hover.

I cannot modify the HTML structure.

My current approach involves changing the font color of the p tag to white (on a white background), adding an :after element containing "RPK" centered on the p tag, and on :hover, animating the rotation of "RPK" by 90 degrees, then hiding it with display:none (or similar), rotating the p tag by 270 degrees and animating it back to 360 degrees. This creates an effect where "RPK" rotates around as "Richard Parnaby-King" emerges. Below is a rough representation of my described effect, which doesn't handle text visibility correctly.

p {
  color: #fff;
  position: relative;
  text-align: center;
p:after {
  content: "RPK";
  position: absolute;
  left: 0;
  top: 0;
  text-align: center;
p:hover {
  animation: pSpin 1s forwards;
p:after:rhover {
  animation: pAfterSpin 0.5s forwards;
@keyframes pSpin {
  0% {
  50% {
  100% {
@keyframes pAfterSpin {
  0% {
  100% {
<p>Richard Parnaby-King</p>

Answer №1

To achieve the desired effect, you can make some adjustments to the HTML code. It may require a bit of experimentation to get it just right.

p span {
  display: inline-block;
p span::first-letter {
<p><span>Alice</span> <span>Jones</span><span>–Smith</span></p>

Answer №2

After my inquiry, I was able to achieve the desired animation effect where lowercase text remains hidden until hovered over. Although it wasn't exactly what I initially envisioned (I didn't intend for the text to rotate), it is a close approximation.

The implementation involves a series of animations. The first one rotates the :after content. After its completion, the entire p tag is rotated and animated to reveal the full name.

div {

p {
  color: #fff;
  position: relative;
  text-align: center;
p:after {
  content: "RPK";
  position: absolute;
  left: 0;
  top: 0;
  text-align: center;
div:hover p {
  animation: pSpin 0.5s forwards;
div:hover p:after {
  animation: pAfterSpin 0.5s forwards;
@keyframes pSpin {
  0% {
  51% {
  52% {
  99% {
  100% {
@keyframes pAfterSpin {
  0% {
  99% {
  100% {
  <p>Richard Parnaby-King</p>

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