Icons will be displayed when hovered over

Is it possible to display icons on hover in a div and hide them otherwise using just CSS? Or do I need to use javascript for this function?

Thanks in advance!



<div id="text_entry">
    <p>Some text here</p>
    <span class="operations">
        <a class="delete" href="">Delete</a> | <a class="edit" href="">Edit</a>


    background: url('images/edit_icon.png') no-repeat;

    background: url('images/edit_icon.png') no-repeat;

    display: none;

Answer №1

#text_input .operations       { display:none }
#text_input:hover .operations { display:block }

Consider assigning a custom CSS class to your div and then using it as the selector.

Alternatively, if you prefer the span to be completely eliminated:

#text_input .operations       { visibility:hidden }
#text_input:hover .operations { visibility:visible }

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