Overlap caused by padding between two elements

I'm encountering an issue where adding padding to a block element is causing it to overlap with the padding of other elements. Below is the code snippet showcasing this problem.

<section class="hero">
        <h1>Studying REDEFINED</h1>
        <p>Learn, review, and analyse. Do more with less.</p>
    <section class="studying">
        <h2><a class="stages" href="learn.html">Learn.</a> <span style="color: #7daca8;">></span> <a class="stages" href="review.html">Review.</a></h2>

Answer №1

  • It is important to remember that when adding padding to inline elements like a, span, they may overlap each other due to their nature as inline elements. To prevent this issue, consider changing the display property of these elements to something like inline-table.


span , a {
  display: inline-table;
  padding: 25px;
  background: dodgerblue;

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