hiding elements yet passing down

Despite disabling the style sheet, a dynamically created form is displaying strangely.

This form will show or hide various details based on selected options. For instance, many of the elements are generated with C#.net...

formOutput += "<div class=\"field textBox\" id=\"" + field.Id + "\"><div class=\"labelTB\"><label for=\"" + field.Id + "\" class=\"" + reqClass + "\">" + field.Name + requirement + "</label></div>" +
        "<input type=\"text\" class=\"numInput\" id=\"" + field.Id + "_tb\" name=\"" + field.Name + "\" onkeyup=\"Service.refresh(this); numCheck(this)\" onclick=\"numCheck(this)\" />" +
        // numButtons:
        "<div class=\"minus plusMinus\" id=\"minus_" + field.Id + "\" onmousedown=\"numBox(this)\" /></div>" +
        "<div class=\"plus plusMinus\" id=\"plus_" + field.Id + "\" onmousedown=\"numBox(this)\" /></div></div><br />";

...and then the parent node is hidden onload through JS:

var setVisibility = function (id, bool) {
  try {
        get(id).style.display = (bool) ? "block" : "none";  
   } catch (e) {
     return false;
  return bool;

However, when there are numerous hidden fields, it causes a significant gap in the middle of the form.

I've attempted various solutions without much success. Merely shifting everything up isn't easily achievable due to the complexity of the form...

I even experimented with the following approach:

var setVisibility = function (id, bool) {
  try {
    get(id).style.display = (bool) ? "block" : "none";
    get(id).style.position = (bool) ? "relative" : "absolute";
    get(id).style.height = (bool) ? "auto" : "0px";
    var children = get("containerType").childNodes
    for (var i in children) {
      if (children[i].style) {
        children[i].style.display = (bool) ? "block" : "none";
        children[i].style.position = (bool) ? "relative" : "absolute";
        children[i].style.height = (bool) ? "auto" : "0px";
  } catch (e) {
    return false;
  return bool;

What could be causing this issue, and is there a viable solution?

(refer to the image below)

Answer №1

Ensure that the br-tag is placed within one of the divs to control its visibility based on whether the divs are hidden or not.

formOutput += "<div class=\"field textBox\" id=\"" + field.Id + "\"><div class=\"labelTB\"><label for=\"" + field.Id + "\" class=\"" + reqClass + "\">" + field.Name + requirement + "</label></div>" +
        "<input type=\"text\" class=\"numInput\" id=\"" + field.Id + "_tb\" name=\"" + field.Name + "\" onkeyup=\"Service.refresh(this); numCheck(this)\" onclick=\"numCheck(this)\" />" +
        // numButtons:
        "<div class=\"minus plusMinus\" id=\"minus_" + field.Id + "\" onmousedown=\"numBox(this)\" /></div>" +
        "<div class=\"plus plusMinus\" id=\"plus_" + field.Id + "\" onmousedown=\"numBox(this)\" /><br /></div>";

Alternatively, assign a class or id to the br-tag and toggle its display along with the divs using CSS or JavaScript.

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