Toggle css comment line using gulp

Is it possible to temporarily deactivate a particular CSS comment on a specific line using Gulp and then reactivate it after completing a build task?

As an illustration, I am interested in deactivating the @import 'compass/reset'; statement located at the beginning of my CSS file before proceeding with the build task.

Your assistance is greatly appreciated!

Answer №1

A solution does exist. You can utilize a Gulp plugin named gulp-strip-code. To implement it, simply insert two comment lines above and below the code block, just like how CSS/JS unifiers operate. Here's an example:

IMPORTANT: I assume that you are familiar with Gulp.

/* start-code */
@import 'compass/reset';
/* end-code */

The process of integration is straightforward. Refer to the instructions provided on the plugin’s webpage.

Firstly, navigate to your primary project directory containing the node folder and install the plugin using the following command:

npm install gulp-strip-code --save-dev

Next, create a task for the plugin and specify the custom comments that need to be utilized as follows:

  start_comment: "begin-custom-block",
  end_comment: "end-custom-block"

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