Should Angular Flex Layout be considered a top choice for upcoming development projects?

Should I consider using Angular Flex Layout for upcoming projects, even though it is considered deprecated? Despite its deprecation, there are still a high number of weekly downloads on

I am in the process of starting a new Angular project using version 15. As I contemplate utilizing Flex Layout in my project, I would appreciate any insights or recommendations you may have to offer. Can you assist me with this decision?

Answer №1

If you come across a deprecated library, it's best to avoid using it as that could lead to extra work in the future when migrating away from it. Always be sure to check the deprecation message within the library itself, as it typically offers recommendations for alternatives.

For instance, Angular flexlayout directs users to a helpful blog post on Angular's website suggesting the use of CSS flexbox.

Here are some tips:

Personally, I find this guide on CSS flexbox to be extremely useful:

If you're unfamiliar with the syntax, you can practice with a fun tool like flexbox froggy:

Answer №2

A few years back, I developed a library that shares a similar syntax and features with Angular's Flex-Layout, but without relying on JavaScript. If you're curious, you can check it out at this link:

I have also created a handy migration script for seamless integration into existing projects, making the transition to the library easier.

Although my library may not have as many downloads on npm compared to the deprecated Flex-Layout, it has proven itself valuable in several large, actively-used projects. Despite seeming inactive on GitHub, rest assured it is feature complete and free of any known issues.

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