Concealing a section of a table with JavaScript while preserving the original table structure

I made some adjustments to the script tag:

$(document).ready(function) {

Now, the evenTd's are hidden correctly.

Here is the table with the code provided:

        <td class="evenTd">itemTwo</td>

At first, only the first td should be visible while anything in evenTd remains hidden. On clicking itemOne, itemTwo should slide and appear. Here is what I have done so far:

$(document).ready(function() {

The evenTd's are hidden but now the other td's take up too much space. How can I prevent this layout change?

Answer №1

If your code looks like this and it comes before the relevant elements in either the head or body sections, then the issue is that the script runs before the DOM nodes are created.

To fix this, you can either place the code inside $(document).ready():


Or you can move the script after the elements in the HTML on which it should act:

            <td class="evenTd">itemTwo</td>

Keep in mind that adding or removing individual table cells may cause layout issues, so it's recommended to hide descendant elements of the specific td instead of the td itself.

For instance, with the current HTML structure:

        <td class="evenTd"><div>itemTwo</div></td>

And using the following jQuery:

    $('.evenTd div').hide();

You can see the result here, where only the visible td takes up the row-space.

Another option is to simply hide the content of the td without affecting its visibility on the page:

    $('.evenTd div').css('visibility','hidden');

View the result here.

If you plan to restore visibility at some point, consider adding or removing a class on the td and handling the styles with CSS for each state:

    $('tr').on('click', 'td.evenTd', function(){

Check out the JS Fiddle demo for more details.

Answer №2

It is crucial to wait for the DOM to load before performing any actions:

<script type="JavaScript">

For showing and hiding elements, utilize the toggle() method.

Answer №3

<td id="cell32">information within a cell</td>

let selectedCell = document.getElementById("cell32"); = "none";

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