Help with guiding and redirecting links

Here's the code snippet:

if(document.location.href.indexOf('') > -1) { 
document.location.href = '';

I am wondering how I can modify the code to handle URLs that contain repeated "/" "?" "_" "=" "-" characters, like .

Is there a way to include the following expression: var correctURL = document.location.href.replace(/([^:]/)/+/g, "$1"); to automatically handle duplicated characters in the URL?

Ultimately, I want to avoid manually adjusting the URL in the script each time:

if(document.location.href.indexOf('') > -1) { 
document.location.href = '';

Answer №1

I'm a bit uncertain about the specifics of your query, especially regarding why there are so many slashes in your URL. However, you can simply compare a portion of the URL to determine if the user is on the correct page.

if(document.location.href.indexOf('/collections/all?sort_by=best-selling') > -1) { 

     document.location.href = '';

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