At times, the animation in SetInterval may experience interruptions

I have created an animation using a sequence of images. The animation runs smoothly with the setinterval function, but for some reason, it occasionally pauses. I've shared a fiddle where you can see this pause happening.

Click Here to See the Unwanted Pause

myAnim = setInterval(function(){
  $("#myImageHolder8").attr('src', nextImage5[u]);
}, 50);

Friends, please help me with this issue.

Answer ā„–1

To avoid potential delays, it is advisable to preload images instead of setting the image source inside a loop. This precaution will prevent disruptions that may occur due to the time taken for loading and decoding images, especially when the process exceeds 50 ms (whether cached or not). Random appearance of issues, particularly on slower devices or connections, can be resolved by preloading images and inserting them into the designated container afterwards.

There are two common methods for preloading images - concealing them in DOM and triggering loading using window.onload, or employing JavaScript with an array and load counter. Below is an example of a loader:

View Live Demo

var images = [],
    count = nextImage5.length,
    len = count,
    i = 0;

for(; i < len; i++) {
    var img = new Image;
    img.onload = loader;
    img.src = nextImage5[i];

function loader() {
    if (count === 0) {
        ... initiate animation at this point...

In the animation loop, you can use a similar approach like below (adapted jQuery code):


Answer ā„–2

Prior to initiating the animation, ensure that you have preloaded your images. This will ensure that the images are prepared and loaded for smooth display. Consider utilizing a tool such as this image preloader. Instead of directly changing the src attribute of an <img> element, it is recommended to render the image onto a <canvas> element and then switch between <canvas> elements for your subsequent images.

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