Add formatting to a particular element without affecting elements within another element

Consider the following scenario:

<input type='text' />
<br />
    <input type='text'>

With the style defined as:

input[type='text'] {
    border: 1px solid black;

If you want the styles to only apply to elements outside of the iframe, how can you achieve this? The idea of using the CSS :not selector comes to mind, but you may be unsure of how to implement it. You might be aiming for something like:

input[type='text'], input:not(iframe) {
    border: 1px solid black

Or in other words, you want to "Apply styles to all input elements of type text EXCEPT those within an iframe".

Answer №1

In CSS, it is challenging to target elements beyond a specific element.

To achieve the desired style for multiple inputs, you need to define a unique class and assign it individually to each input.

Utilize the :not selector to exclude specific elements from styling, such as using :not(p) to target all elements except paragraphs on the page.

Answer №2

style input[type="text"]{border: 1px solid #000}

iframe input[type="text"]{border: none}

Answer №3

The functionality should be in working order as described. Iframes are self-contained elements and should have unique styling. Make sure that the same style sheet is included on both pages to ensure consistency.

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