Ways to find the image source using JavaScript/Jquery upon page loading?

I've scoured countless forums, yet a viable solution still eludes me.

My objective is simple - upon page load, I want to gather all elements with the ".home" class and store them in an array called arr. Subsequently, the script should iterate through each element in the array and compare it against a specific string. For instance, my current code checks if the element contains the word "Boston", then assigns a corresponding imgur link as the image source for elements with the ".homeimage" class. While I understand the implications of hosting images on imgur, I am merely testing functionality at this stage. Following this test code, there is some redundant code involving changing text color to gray, inspired by a similar example found on a forum thread, which led me to believe that manipulating attributes follows a similar pattern.

Here is a snippet of my HTML:

<td colspan = "3" width=400px class = "home"><b><%= game.home %></b></td>

<td colspan = "3"><img style="width:150px;height:128px;" class = "homeimage"></td>

This is how my JavaScript/jQuery code looks like:

var arr=[];
$(document).ready( function(){
     for(i = 0; i < arr.length; i++){
         if(arr[i].indexOf("Boston") != -1){
            $('.homeimage img').attr("src", "http://i.imgur.com/s5WKBjy.png");
     $.each(arr, function(key, val){
         val.css('color', 'gray');
     }); //testing out something redundant

Further inquiries:

In cases where there are multiple images with the ".homeimage" class and several checks for image sources, will all images within the class be assigned the src of the last checked image? To avoid this, would assigning a unique custom id instead of a class to each div be a suitable solution? Also, does the placement of this script relative to the HTML elements matter?

Grateful for any forthcoming advice or suggestions. Thank you!

Answer №1

// It seems like you're not very clear about your intentions.
// You have typed a lot without providing any specific details or highlights.
// However, here are a few things I noticed:
  var arr = []; // This array will store all tags (like td) with the class '.home'
  if(arr[i].innerHTML.indexOf("Boston") != -1) { } // Using indexOf() on a DOM element won't work

// If arr[0] is a DOM element, why are you using .indexOf("Boston") on it?

// Next, $('.homeimage img') returns DOM elements with the class 'homeimage' or tagName 'img'
  $('img.homeimage'); // This might be what you intended to do.

// Let me provide you with an answer.
// The oImgUrl acts as a map from certain ((String))-->((img url))
  var oImgUrl = {
    'Boston': 'http://another.imageurl.com/boston.png',
    'NewYork': 'http://another.imageurl.com/newyork.png'

// I have left your "arr" unchanged
// This will check every element in arr
// If it contains a String like 'Boston' or 'NewYork'
//   find the img tag (img.homeimage) within it
//   and assign the respective URL string to the img tag
  for (var i=0, length=arr.length; i < length; i++) {
    if(arr[i].innerHTML.indexOf("Boston") != -1) {
      arr[i].find('img.homeimage').attr('src', oImgUrl['Boston']);
    if(arr[i].innerHTML.indexOf("New York") != -1) {
      arr[i].find('img.homeimage').attr('src', oImgUrl['NewYork']);

Example HTML:

<td class='home'>Welcome to Boston!<img class='homeimage'></td>
<td class='home'>Welcome to New York!<img class='homeimage'></td>


Question 1: Custom ID?
JavaScript will identify these two td.home elements and add them to arr.
Then, different image URLs will be applied to the img tag
based on the innerHTML of the td tag.
You don't need to assign each img tag a unique ID.
Question 2: Script placement below HTML?
No, it's not necessary.
Keep these scripts wrapped inside a document ready function.
Therefore, they will only execute when the HTML DOM is fully loaded.
In other words, regardless of where you position this script,
it will run after all Tags are ready.

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