CSS Grid with dynamically changing number of rows set to "auto", while ensuring one row always has a fixed size of "1fr"

Currently, I am experimenting with a CSS grid-based frontend and have encountered a specific requirement that keeps repeating itself in various parts of the frontend:

  1. A grid with a dynamic number of rows.
  2. Each row should be of variable size (auto).
  3. The final row must fill up all remaining space.

For instance, to achieve this for five rows, I use the following code snippet:

    display: grid;
    grid-template-rows: auto auto auto auto 1fr;

Nevertheless, I am looking for a stylesheet that can provide the desired behavior regardless of the number of rows. Perhaps utilizing repeat() might help me achieve this?


    display: grid;
    grid-template-rows: repeat(auto-fit, auto) 1fr;

I have experimented with variations of repeat(auto-fit, auto) and repeat(auto-fill, auto), which unfortunately are not valid CSS, unlike repeat(4, auto) or repeat(auto-fill, 30px).

Any suggestions? While it is not an insurmountable issue, ensuring that "display n properly sized rows, then let the last element take up all the remaining space" aligns with the default behavior for all elements in my specification...

Answer №1

After considering your specific requirements:

  1. You need a grid that can have a varying number of rows.
  2. Each row should adjust its size automatically.
  3. The last row must consume all remaining space available.

For achieving this layout, Flexbox is an excellent choice and might be the perfect solution based on additional requirements. An example code snippet is provided below.

If you are set on using Grid Layout, it may not fulfill your needs completely. As per the current Level 1 specification, it cannot handle such demands.

The closest implementation in Grid would look like this:

grid-template-rows: repeat(auto-fit, minmax(auto, 1px)) 1fr;

Unfortunately, this syntax is unsupported by the current grid specifications.

repeat(auto-fit, auto) 1fr

You attempted to use this code, but it's invalid because auto and fr cannot be combined with auto-fit. Syntax of repeat()

When using automatic repetitions (auto-fill or auto-fit), intrinsic or flexible sizes cannot be mixed.

  • Examples of intrinsic sizing functions include min-content, max-content, auto, fit-content().

  • Flexible sizing functions encompass <flex> values (e.g., fr).

To address the limitation with auto, you could try something like this:

repeat(auto-fit, minmax(auto, 1px)) 1fr


This function defines a size range between min and max, inclusive.

If max < min, then max is neglected and minmax(min,max) is treated as min.

A <flex> value can only act as the track’s flex factor and cannot be used as a minimum.

This method correctly sizes your rows based on content, regardless of whether the container has a default height setting or specified height / min-height. View the demo for clarification.

However, the issue with the last row remains unresolved due to the invalid

1fr</code], causing the entire rule to fail. A working solution would utilize:</p>

<h2><code>repeat(auto-fit, minmax(auto, 1px)) 10em

In this scenario, the auto-fit does not behave as expected—the 10em applies to the second row instead. Refer to the demo for details.

This setup also encounters issues when the container specifies a height or min-height. Review the demo for more insights.

Despite the widespread availability of CSS Grid Layout, Flexbox still serves as the superior option in certain scenarios.

It meets all your criteria with straightforward and concise code:

article {
  display: flex;
  flex-direction: column;
  height: 100vh;

section:last-child {
  flex-grow: 1;

section {
  /* flex-basis: auto <-- this is a default setting */
  margin-bottom: 10px;
  background-color: lightgreen;

body {
  margin: 0;
  <section>text text text</section>
  <section>text text text text text text text text text text text text ...
  <section>text text text ...</section>
  <section>text text text ...</section>
  <section>text text text ...</section>

Answer №2

One workaround is to input an extremely large number for the repeat value that you know will never be reached. For instance, you could try this approach for the grid-template-rows:

grid-template-rows: repeat(100000000, auto) 1fr;

I encountered a similar problem and found success with this method.

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