Tips for referencing the second class when two classes share the same name in Selenium WebDriver

I am trying to retrieve the text from the second "109-top-dark-grey-block ng-binding" class, which is currently null but will contain some text in the future. I have attempted using tabIndex and nth-child selectors, but neither have been successful. "

<div class="122-top-section-btm-half">
    <div class="108-top-grey-m12x3"></div>
    <div class="109-top-dark-grey-block ng-binding">ab ab xyz</div>

" "

<div class="d122-top-section-btm-half">
    <div class="108-top-grey-m12x4"></div>
    <div class="109-top-dark-grey-block ng-binding"></div>


Answer №1


In order to retrieve the text from the second div block, you can utilize nth-child with a CSS selector. I personally tested this selector using Chrome tools:

Therefore, in your Java code:

String elementText = driver.findElement(By.cssSelector(".d122-top-section-btm-half:nth-child(2) .ng-binding")).getText();

This should effectively target the desired element, as specified by the CSS specification for nth-child indexing, where the index starts at 1 (not 0) and represents the second child.

Old Answer

Given the HTML snippet you provided, a CSS selector would be suitable for selecting elements. You could use the following approach:

String elementText = driver.findElement(By.cssSelector(".d122-top-section-btm-half .109-top-dark-grey-block")).getText();

Alternatively, if your goal is to target the element containing ng-binding within the first div, you may prefer a cleaner solution:

String elementText = driver.findElement(By.cssSelector(".d122-top-section-btm-half .ng-binding")).getText();

Both methods will return the text content of the element. To further enhance your understanding, consider exploring the CSS Selectors Guide.

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