Tips for avoiding flickering in a background image when it is being changed

Utilizing JavaScript, I am setting a repeated background image from a canvas to a div in the following way:

var img_canvas = document.createElement('canvas');

img_canvas.width = 16;

img_canvas.height = 16;

img_canvas.getContext('2d').drawImage(canvas, 0, 0, 16, 16);

var img = img_canvas.toDataURL("image/png");

document.querySelector('#div').style.backgroundImage = 'url(' + img + ')';

I need to update this frequently. Unfortunately, there is an issue with flickering when it changes; while Chrome doesn't show this problem, Firefox and Safari do. Despite using data URL, it still seems to happen.

Possible Solution:

// create a new Image object
var img_tag = new Image();

// apply the image to the div after preloading is complete
img_tag.onload = function() {

    document.querySelector('#div').style.backgroundImage = 'url(' + img + ')';

// starting preload by setting 'src'
img_tag.src = img;

Answer №1

To optimize the loading of images on your device, consider preloading the image resource into the device's storage by incorporating the image in the DOM as shown in the sample HTML code below. The error you are experiencing might be due to the time it takes for the image resource to load, causing flickering.

<img src="imageToPreload.png" style="display:none;" alt="" />

Another technique you can use is sprites-images. By utilizing sprites, your application will make fewer HTTP-Requests to load all resources onto the page. Additionally, include the following CSS styles when using css animations to prevent background flickering on mobile devices:

-webkit-backface-visibility: hidden;
-moz-backface-visibility:    hidden;
-ms-backface-visibility:     hidden;

Answer №2

Optimize your image loading process by using this method, eliminating the use of an <img> tag with display: none

<link rel="preload" href="/images/background.jpg" as="image">

Answer №3

Consider including the following CSS in your background component:

-webkit-backface-visibility: visible;
-moz-backface-visibility:    visible;
-ms-backface-visibility:     visible;

This adjustment may help alleviate any flickering issues.

To enhance hardware acceleration, you can implement the following code in your background component:

-webkit-transform: translate3d(0, 0, 0);

Alternatively, you could opt for using an image instead of a DIV and simply modify the image URL.

Answer №4

It took me some time to figure it out, experimenting with preloading and appending the image to the document.

Ultimately, I solved the issue by re-saving the JPEG without enabling the "Progressive" option.

After making this change, the rolling flicker when swapping the img src was completely resolved.

Answer №5

For me, I found success by switching from using height: 1080px; (for the background height) to height: fit-content;

Answer №6

It is crucial to preload all images in every situation. I have observed that different browsers behave differently when dynamically changing background images. For example, Firefox may flicker with frequent changes, while Chrome and Safari do not.

My current best solution involves drawing the image within a child canvas that fills the entire parent div.

In any scenario, optimizing the images used is important for optimal rendering performance.

Answer №7

Here is my functioning JavaScript code:

const imageOne = new Image();
const imageTwo = new Image();

imageOne.src = "../img/animation.gif";
imageTwo.src = "../img/still.png";

Even though I don't directly use this code in my query, I utilize the following:

document.querySelector(".btn_animation").addEventListener("mouseover", function() { = "url('../img/animation.gif')";

This implementation works well for me. If I try to replace the URL with a variable like `imageOne`, it doesn't behave as expected. Also, initializing and declaring the image objects at the same time helps prevent flickering.

Answer №8

Although not addressing all the specific details mentioned by the original poster, the following method may prove beneficial to others. This technique has been tested successfully in Chrome 97, Firefox 96, Android 11, and iOS 15.

The setup involves a div with certain CSS properties...

#div_image {
    background-image: url( [Path to low-res image] );
    background-size: cover;

In addition, there is a corresponding class defined as follows...

.div_image_highres {
    background-image: none !important;

This class includes a pseudo-element specified as such:

.div_image_highres::before {
    position: absolute;
    left: 0;
    top: 0;
    width: 100%;
    height: 100%;
    content: " ";
    background-image: url( [Path to highres image] );
    background-repeat: no-repeat;
    background-position: 50% 0;
    background-size: cover;
    opacity: 1;
    display: block;

Furthermore, an img element is utilized to reference the high-resolution image...

<img id="img_highres_preload" src=" [Path to high-res image ] ">

A corresponding styling for the img element allows it to be loaded (to ensure file loading) without being visible...

#img_highres_preload {
    width: 1px;
    height: 1px;

Two notes to consider: (1) Various methods exist for pre-loading images, but this particular approach is preferred. (2) Refer to the addendum regarding the reliability of the load event.

Lastly, a jQuery script handles the addition of the "high-res" class to the "div_image" once the high-resolution file is fully loaded...

$(document).ready(function() {
    $("#img_highres_preload").off().on("load", function() {

While vanilla JavaScript can accomplish the same task, using jQuery ensures consistency across the codebase.

Summary of the Process:

  1. The low-resolution image loads first and serves as the initial background for the div. Even if this step doesn't happen, the procedure remains effective (i.e., showcasing the high-resolution image).
  2. Upon successful loading of the high-resolution image in the img element, triggering the addition of the "div_image_highres" class to "div_image".
  3. As a result, the transition to the high-resolution image occurs smoothly without any flashing effects. Occasionally, a slight shift might occur, but it's usually unnoticeable or non-disruptive.
  4. The primary reason behind adopting this method is for seamless transitions between multiple panels in the application, preventing flickering when hiding and displaying divs containing images.

Insights on the Load Event:

Relying solely on the load event can be problematic, especially in scenarios where images are cached by the browser. To address this issue, a modification is made to the document.ready event to incorporate additional checks:

$(document).ready(function() {
    $("#img_highres_preload").off().on("load", function() {

checkImage = function() {
    var image = $("#img_highres_preload")[0];
    if (!image.complete || (typeof image.naturalWidth != "undefined" && image.naturalWidth == 0)) {
        console.log("Waiting for high-res image.");
    else if (!$("#div_home").hasClass("div_home_highres")) {

By implementing the checkImage function, the script verifies the image status before applying changes. While this particular example might seem redundant given the initial image loading confirmation, it ensures robust handling of potential loading irregularities.

For more dynamic scenarios, checkImage could be invoked based on different triggers within the codebase, allowing for comprehensive image validation prior to display.

Keep in mind that this simplified version suits basic needs like transitioning from low-res to high-res images, while a more advanced implementation would cater to multi-image loading requirements at the outset.

Answer №9

Hello everyone! I understand that this question may have been asked before, but if you are still experiencing flickering on your website, a quick solution is to place the final version behind your background div. This will eliminate any flickering seen through the current image, providing a smoother display.

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