Browser inconsistencies result in varying appearance of Bootstrap selection in Firefox and Chrome

Issue with Bootstrap select rendering in Firefox and Chrome:



Looking for ways to make the two browsers render consistently, preferably in Chrome's style.

This question is distinct from the one found here: Twitter Bootstrap: Getting Form Inputs and Buttons to be same height in Chrome and Firefox

The issue at hand is not related to width or height, but rather the inconsistency in rendering the triangle (on the right side) in the select field. The way each browser handles this triangle rendering differs significantly, therefore the solution provided in the linked question may not be applicable in this case.

Answer №1

The way in which they are displayed differs across browsers. Each browser has its own unique rendering, with Internet Explorer typically yielding subpar results!

I actually tackled this issue today! One solution is to create a background div with a border and an image of an upside-down triangle on the right side. Then, place a span above the div containing the initial selection (in this case, "1"). Finally, position the select menu absolutely on top of the div/span with zero opacity to hide the default browser styling completely.

Check out a working example here:

<div class="selector">
     <span>Show 24</span>
      <select class="form-control">
        <option value="">Show 24</option>
        <option value="">Show 48</option>
        <option value="" selected>Show 96</option>
        <option value="">View all</option>

Answer №2

In case it helps someone, the solution code that worked for me is as follows:

    select.custom {
                        background-image: url("");
                        -moz-appearance: none;
                        padding-right: 25px;
                        background-repeat: no-repeat;
                        background-position: right center;
                        -webkit-appearance: none;
                        -moz-appearance: none;
                        appearance: none;
<select class="form-control custom">

I crafted this code with reference to the example/link shared by Rachel S in the previous answer. The link provided was :

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