How can you make the browser window scroll horizontally when a div is clicked using jQuery?

I have an image of an arrow inside a div. The div is positioned fixed in the bottom right corner of an extremely wide page.

Is there a way to utilize jQuery to scroll the window 600px to the right each time the arrow is clicked? Also, can I detect when the page can no longer be scrolled to the right and then hide the arrow?


Answer №1

Here is an example of how you can achieve this:

let scrollDistance = 600;
$("body").click(function() {
    $("html:not(:animated), body:not(:animated)").animate(
        {scrollLeft: "+="+scrollDistance}, 400

You can view the code in action on jsfiddle here:

[edit] Additionally, here is an example of detecting if you've reached the end of the document:

let scrollDistance = 600,
    docWidth = $(document).width(),

// click event handler
$("body").click(function() {

    // animate scrolling
    $("html:not(:animated), body:not(:animated)").animate(
        {scrollLeft: "+=" + scrollDistance},
            // check current scroll position
            scrollPosition = $(window).width() + $(window).scrollLeft(); 
            // determine if at end of document
            if(docWidth === scrollPosition) {
                $("body").text("End of content");


Answer №2

Try incorporating the scrollLeft jquery method.


It should work similar to this :)

Answer №3

If you're looking to incorporate smooth scrolling on your website, consider using the Scrollto plugin available at this link:

The plugin is user-friendly and comes with comprehensive documentation for easy implementation. To determine whether a user has reached the end of the page, create a placeholder element and place it at the bottom. By calculating the distance from the current position to this placeholder, you can achieve the desired functionality.

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