Develop a website using HTML and CSS for the front-end design, complemented by Java for the

I find myself at a standstill with a project I want to tackle, but unfortunately, my knowledge of modern web development, particularly full stack, is minimal. As a result, I am completely clueless on how to proceed. Here is what I am familiar with and what I aim to achieve...

What I know:

  • Setting up and managing a classic LAMP Server
  • Create HTML/CSS pages either using a design tool or hand-coding

What I Need to Accomplish:

  • Develop a website similar to TopG, where server owners can list their Minecraft Servers.
  • Allow users to create accounts to manage their servers (aware this can be done in PHP).
  • Integrate a java library called Votifier.jar. This library sends vote information to the Minecraft server when a user votes for a server via port 25565. It is essential for the front-end to communicate with this jar file/library and transmit the vote data to the correct Minecraft Server.

This particular part presents a significant challenge for me.

I considered programming the entire back end of the website in Java instead of PHP, hence, I explored Spring. However, I struggled to understand how to connect Spring with the front-end HTML.

At present, I am lost on how to move forward with achieving my objective... I fear investing time in developing the site with LAMP only to realize later that implementing Votifier requires a different framework, leading to a complete overhaul...

Should I opt for a Java backend? Or should I stick with the more familiar classic LAMP approach?

If you need further details, please let me know. Below are examples of existing websites to provide context for what I aim to accomplish.

On this page, clicking the vote button takes you to another page where you enter your Minecraft username, solve a captcha, and submit your vote. The vote submission then utilizes Votifier to send the relevant information to the Minecraft server, completing the process...

Answer №1

Using Java for the backend of your voting site is not mandatory, as these sites do not require any special Minecraft APIs. Instead, most major lists support common bukkit/spigot APIs such as Votifier/NuVotifier. These APIs utilize PKI authentication, which involves either RSA keys or a simple string secret. Your platform should have user accounts, server listings with posts, and a mechanism for users to set up their server postings.

To ensure ownership verification and prevent fake postings, you will need to exchange keys for the Votifier API. NuVotifier may allow adding a server list site's public key instead of the traditional method, but the choice is yours.

All of these tasks can be completed using any web/backend language and data engine that you are comfortable with.

Answer №2

Have you considered exploring JSP (JavaServer Pages)? It is a Java-based technology, similar to PHP.

With JSP, you can create dynamically generated web pages using HTML, XML, and Java.

I recently used it for a simple project and found it very easy to work with, especially if you are familiar with programming in Java.

Although I'm not a web developer, I hope this gives you a good starting point for your project.

I recommend seeking more information before diving into your project.

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