How to apply a custom CSS class to a Smarty tag in CMS Made Simple

Greetings! I am currently in the process of revamping a page using CMSmadesimple, However, I have limited knowledge when it comes to utilizing CMSms and Smartytags.

The page contains various smartytags that require styling.

One particular tag that needs attention is {$entry->morelink}. I aim to apply the CSS class .link to it.

I've experimented with different approaches but so far, I haven't had any success. I even tried searching online without finding a solution.

If anyone out there has experience in this area and can guide me on how to add the .class to a Smarty tag, your assistance would be greatly appreciated.

Answer №1

This issue has been a common topic of discussion in the CMS Made Simple community forums.

One effective approach is to utilize the Smarty replace variable modifier. Here's an example:

{$entry->morelink|replace:'class="':'class="link '}

If the string given does not contain the class attribute, you could consider replacing the id or even closing with >.

{$entry->morelink|replace:'id=':'class="link" id='}

While this may seem like a messy workaround, it should be able to resolve the issue at hand. However, it is recommended to modify the initial object for a cleaner solution.

Answer №2

There are alternative methods to consider. One approach involves using a Smarty tag that only provides the value without generating HTML. For instance, within the content module, there might be a tag like "{$entry->moreurl}" which solely gives the URL instead of a full tag.

In such cases, you can create your own HTML structure:

<a href="{$entry->moreurl}" title="{$entry->name}" class="link">View More</a>

To determine what parameters are supported by that specific module, add this to the template and check the available options: {$entry|print_r}

If the only available option is a tag that generates HTML, you can enclose the Smarty tag within a div or span element and assign it a class name or ID.

For example:

<span class="link">{$entry->morelink}</span>

In this case, your CSS code would look something like this:

.link a { color: red; }

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