Exploring the theme color options in Angular Material

Despite extensive searching on SO and GitHub, I am seeking clarification: Is it impossible to access a theme color (or any other theme feature) in order to set a mat-card color?

  • There is no way to retrieve a variable in scss.
  • You cannot assign a class to the component (e.g., class="mat-purple-with-spots").
  • Accessing the feature through the component API is not possible most of the time as it does not expose any theme features.

I see two possible options:

  • Create a custom theme specifically for that component, which can be quite complex.
  • Simply copy the RGB code and apply it directly in plain CSS on your component.

Am I overlooking something here?

Answer №1

If you want to create a unique look for your website, consider designing a custom theme with main colors like "accent, primary, warm".

For more information on defining a personalized theme, check out this link

Alternatively, you may also utilize directives to add custom styles to components by incorporating a specific class and nested CSS selectors.

For instance:

<custom-component applyCustomStylesDirective></custom-component>

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