Use JavaScript to add a div element to the page ten times every time the button is clicked

Here is the code I have written:

$(document).ready(function () {
          $('<button class="btn more">View More</button>')
         .click(function() {
          $('<button class="btn less">View Less</button>')
         .click(function() {
.listing-item-container.collapsed > :nth-of-type(n+3) {
    .listing-item-container > .more {
    .listing-item-container > .less {
    .listing-item-container.collapsed > .more {
    .listing-item-container.collapsed > .less {
<script src=""></script>
<div class="listing-item-container collapsed">
        <div class="listing-item">
            <ul class="no-list-style">
                <li>list content</li>
                <li>list content</li>
                <li>list content</li>
                <li>list content</li>
        <div class="listing-item">
            <ul class="no-list-style">
                <li>list content</li>
                <li>list content</li>
                <li>list content</li>
                <li>list content</li>
        <div class="listing-item">
            <ul class="no-list-style">
                <li>list content</li>
                <li>list content</li>
                <li>list content</li>
                <li>list content</li>
        </div><div class="listing-item">
            <ul class="no-list-style">
                <li>list content</li>
                <li>list content</li>
                <li>list content</li>
                <li>list content</li>
        <!--  Remaining listing-item divs here   -->

In the code above, clicking on view more will expand all remaining 'listing item' divs, while clicking on view less collapses all the divs to display only 2.

I want the functionality to show only the next 2 'listing item' divs when I click view more, along with the corresponding button. This pattern should repeat for all the remaining 'listing item' divs, and end with a view less button displayed. Clicking view less should collapse the last 2 'listing item' divs each time.

What changes can I make to my code to achieve this desired output?

Answer №1

The secret lies in utilizing the jquery slice() function (which is similar to javascript slice() but operates on a jquery collection).

var howManyItemsToShow = 2;

This code snippet will hide all the items and then display the first 2 items. This triggers a single UI update action. If you incorporate animations like .slideDown / .fadeIn, the approach will be different.

You can increment your "pagesize" value (2 in this example) each time you click and make updates accordingly.

To control the display of more/less buttons efficiently, implement a check for start/end conditions and refer to the helpful css trick:

var lines = 2;
var pagesize = 2;

// Load them up-front assuming no changes for small efficiency gain (and DRY)
var items = $(".listing-item-container .listing-item");

$(document).ready(function() {
 $('#lt;button class="btn more">View More</button>')
    .click(function() {
      lines += pagesize;
      if (lines >= items.length)

  $('<button class="btn less">View Less</button>')
    .click(function() {
      // Similar logic for "less" with -= and different condition checks
      // Combine with "more" button for DRYness or keep separate for clarity
      lines -= pagesize;;
      if (lines <= pagesize)
.listing-item-container.collapsed>:nth-of-type(n+3) {
  display: none;

.listing-item-container>.more {
  display: none;

.listing-item-container>.less {
  display: block;

.listing-item-container.collapsed>.more {
  display: block;

.listing-item-container.collapsed>.less {
  display: none;
<script src=""></script>
<div class="listing-item-container collapsed">
  <div class="listing-item">
    <ul class="no-list-style">
      <li>list content</li>
      <li>list content</li>
      <li>list content</li>
      <li>list content</li>
  <!-- Repeat listing-item div structure multiple times -->
  <!-- Additional listing-item divs go here   -->

Answer №2

I decree that it shall be done in this manner...

((parentRef='.listing-item-container', ItemsRef='.listing-item', startView=2, addView=2 )=>
    listItems  = document.querySelectorAll(ItemsRef)
  , btMoreLess = document.querySelector(parentRef).appendChild( document.createElement('button'))
  btMoreLess.className = 'showMore'

  var listItemsViewCount = startView -addView;

  btMoreLess.onclick =_=>
    listItemsViewCount += btMoreLess.classList.contains('Less') ? -addView : +addView
    listItems.forEach( (item,i)=> item.classList.toggle('noDisplay',i>=listItemsViewCount) )

    if (listItemsViewCount >= listItems.length)  btMoreLess.classList.add('Less')
    else if (listItemsViewCount === startView)   btMoreLess.classList.remove('Less')
    }  // commence
)() // IIFE termination
.noDisplay{ display:none; } 
button.showMore:before { content : 'View More'; }
button.showMore.Less:before { content : 'View Less'; }

.listing-item-container   { counter-reset: itemCounter;         }
.listing-item             { counter-increment: itemCounter;     }
.listing-item > p::before { content: counter(itemCounter) '.';  }
<div class="listing-item-container">
  <div class="listing-item">
    <ul> <li>list content</li> <li>list content</li> <li>list content</li> <li>list content</li> </ul>
  <div class="listing-item">
    <ul> <li>list content</li> <li>list content</li> <li>list content</li> <li>list content</li> </ul>
  <div class="listing-item">
    <ul> <li>list content</li> <li>list content</li> <li>list content</li> <li>list content</li> </ul>
  <div class="listing-item">
    <ul> <li>list content</li> <li>list content</li> <li>list content</li> <li>list content</li> </ul>
  <div class="listing-item">
    <ul> <li>list content</li> <li>list content</li> <li>list content</li> <li>list content</li> </ul>
  <div class="listing-item">
    <ul> <li>list content</li> <li>list content</li> <li>list content</li> <li>list content</li> </ul>
  <div class="listing-item">
    <ul> <li>list content</li> <li>list content</li> <li>list content</li> <li>list content</li> </ul>
  <!--  100 more listing-item divs present here   -->

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