Tips on utilizing toggleClass to display only the currently active item and obtaining the active class name

I am new to Jquery and CSS/scss and I have successfully created a dynamic boostrap card that resembles a record player. The goal is to generate multiple boostrap cards based on the data in DB, but for simplicity, I am showing only 2 examples below. My question is regarding how to manage the behavior of these record players - specifically, how do I ensure that only one player can be active at a time with vinyl animation? When a user clicks to play another card, the currently playing player should stop and revert back to the album cover using toggleclass. Please note that the code includes only the animation part and not the actual player functionality. How can I determine the current toggleclass name?

      <div class="container-fluid">
    <div id="content">
      <div class="music-player-container is-not-playing" id="1mpc">
        <div class="card card-inverse" id="1card">
          <div class="card-header" id="1cardHeader">
            <div class="top">
              <i id="1fav" class="favtoggle fa not-liked"></i>
              <i id="1pl" class="fa fa-plus-circle"></i>


var $div = $('#content');
     var playButton = $('.control-play');
     playButton.on('click', function(e) {
       var $musiPlayerContainer = $div.find('#' + + 'mpc');
       var $vinyl = $div.find('#' + + 'vinyl');

       $(".music-player-container").not($('#' + + 'mpc')).toggleClass('is-playing', false);
       $('#' + + 'mpc').toggleClass('is-playing', true);


    /* Styles applied after bootstrap.css */

@import url(,300,500);

/* More CSS styles... */ 

js-fiddle link:

Link to Code Here

Answer №1

There were a couple of issues with the fiddle code provided, which was preventing it from functioning correctly.

A. The jQuery URL linked in the code was incorrect, as it still contained ":" in the URL, causing it to fail to load properly. It is recommended to use the JavaScript Library directly from jsFiddle for future reference.

B. Loading JS before CSS, while not necessarily wrong, may be unhelpful in certain cases.

For a working example, please refer to:


$(function() {
  var $div = $('#content');
  var playButtons = $('.control-play');
  playButtons.on('click', function(e) {
    var $musicPlayerContainer = $(this).closest(".music-player-container");
    var $vinyl = $musicPlayerContainer.find('.vinyl');
    console.log($musicPlayerContainer, $vinyl);
    $(".music-player-container").not($musicPlayerContainer).toggleClass('is-playing', false);
    $musicPlayerContainer.toggleClass('is-playing', true);



The code block should ideally be wrapped entirely. Using more precise selectors will enhance the readability and maintainability of the code in the future.

As mentioned earlier, the variable playButtons selects all buttons. Utilizing $(this) within the .on() method allows us to specify the target object clicked. Once the correct relationships are established, the remaining code functions as intended.

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