What is the best way to address background-image overflow on a webpage?

I'm facing a challenge in removing the overflow from a background-image within a div. There are 4 divs with similar images that combine to form one background image (I adjust the position of each image so they align across the 4 divs). Essentially, I want to animate the "singular" image to the left and have another image replace it within the same animation (which is essentially a CSS transition). However, the issue arises when using overflow: hidden to hide the excess part of the image - moving it to the left reveals the rest of the hidden image.

Is there a method to clip or eliminate the overflow in order for the transition to appear as if one complete image is shifting to the left?


    background-repeat: no-repeat;
    background-position:130% !important;
    -webkit-transition: 2s;
    -moz-transition: 2s;
    -o-transition: 2s;
    transition: 2s;

The Script:

$('#change').click(function() {
        $('#fourth').css('background-image', 'none'); 
    }, 5000);
        $('#fourth').css('background-color', 'blue'); 
    }, 1);

    // Additional code for third, second, and first


For more details and a working example, check out this JSFiddle link. Just click on the button labeled 'yes'.

Answer №1

Update: After reviewing your code, I noticed that the issue lies in not moving the actual div elements themselves.

If you add {outline: 1 px solid red;} to the divs, you'll observe that they remain stationary while the background scrolls. Simply hiding the overflow won't solve the problem unless you physically move the divs.

One solution could be manipulating the image so that what appears beneath it is part of the same file. Essentially creating a seamless transition between images.

Imagine having |main image|next image| all connected seamlessly. This would give the illusion of the image being dragged into view.

For a more static reveal effect, you'd need to create four images with transparent sections where the overflow is expected.

This process can be easily done online using tools like pxlr.

Alternatively, consider animating the actual div elements instead of just

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