What is the latest CSS browser support for the min() and max() functions in 2018?

I am considering implementing the use of the min() and max() functions in my project. I'm curious about the current browser support as of 2018. Do you think it is necessary to include the @supports at-rule?

For example, I could write:

.px-4-safe {
    padding-left: max(1rem, env(safe-area-inset-left));
    padding-right: max(1rem, env(safe-area-inset-right));

Instead of:

.px-4-safe {
 padding-left: 1rem;
 padding-right: 1rem;

@supports (padding: max(0px)) {
 .px-4-safe {
   padding-left: max(1rem, env(safe-area-inset-left));
   padding-right: max(1rem, env(safe-area-inset-right));

Answer №1

As stated on MDN, you can check the browser compatibility for the max property here. For the min property, refer to this link: here.

You can also verify the compatibility using CanIUse:

Check min() support

Check max() support

If there is no compatibility information available, it may indicate that the feature is not supported in some browsers at this time.

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