Inconsistency in css asset URLs across various pages discovered while working with Rails

When using assets stylesheet to load a CSS file, I noticed that it only loads on the index page. Upon inspecting with F12, the console shows the URL for other pages as well, which appends "/cloths" to the asset path. I am currently utilizing the default layout of application.html.erb.

Here is my route.rb:

Rails.application.routes.draw do
  resources :categories
  resources :cloths 

My cloths_controller.rb looks like this:

class ClothsController < ApplicationController
  before_action :set_cloth, only: [:show, :edit, :update, :destroy]

  ... (controller actions continue here) ...

And in my application.html.erb file, where the issue seems to lie with asset URLs:


... (more HTML markup and script tags) ...

      $(document).ready(function() {
          type: 'inline',
          fixedContentPos: false,
          fixedBgPos: true,
          overflowY: 'auto',
          closeBtnInside: true,
          preloader: false,
          midClick: true,
          removalDelay: 300,
          mainClass: 'my-mfp-zoom-in'


... (further HTML content) ...


Although everything works fine on the Index page, the asset URLs become different on other pages such as show, edit, and add. The console shows URLs like:

GET http://localhost:3000/cloths/assets/bootstrap.css (404 not found)

This leads me to wonder why the URL path suddenly changes to include "/cloths" instead of just remaining as "/assets".

Answer №1

If you want to access the assets in 'cloths' folder from /assets directory in your application, make sure to include

config.assets.paths << Rails.root.join('app', 'assets', 'cloths')
in your config/application.rb

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