Displaying a div when hovering over it, and keeping it visible until clicked

I want to display a div when hovering over a button. The shown div should be clickable and persistent even if I move the cursor from the button into the shown div. However, it should be hidden when moving out of the entire area.

I'm unsure about how to achieve this effect.

var mouseX;    
var mouseY;
$(document).mousemove(function (e) {
    mouseX = e.pageX;
    mouseY = e.pageY;

$(".circle-button-small").hover(function () {
    mouseX = mouseX;
    mouseY = mouseY - 100;
        'top': mouseY,
        'left': mouseX

$(".circle-button-small").mouseout(function () {
    if ($(".theme-hover").mouseenter()) {
            'top': mouseY,
            'left': mouseX
    } else {


    function () {
        mouseX = mouseX;
        mouseY = mouseY - 100;
            'top': mouseY,
            'left': mouseX
    function () {


Update: The solution provided by jbyrne2007 was helpful, but it feels like a workaround. I'm looking for a solution mentioned in the comments below,

When hovering, I'd like the "theme-hover" to appear near the mouse pointer. Additionally, when exiting the circle-button, if not entering the "theme-hover", the "theme-hover" should be hidden. However, if I enter the "theme-hover," it should remain visible. The above solution feels like a workaround.

Answer №1

It seems there may be some confusion about the desired outcome of your project, but I suggest checking out this jsfiddle

$(".main-area").mouseleave(function () {

I have repositioned the div .theme-hover inside the .main-area to prevent it from disappearing when clicked.

In addition, I included this style for .theme-hover


This makes the interaction more user-friendly.

Based on my understanding, I assumed you wanted the "Hey" div to appear upon clicking, so I added a click function as well.

 $(".theme-hover").click(function () {

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