Canvg | Is there a way to customize canvas elements while converting from SVG?

Recently, I encountered an issue with styling SVG graphics dynamically generated from data. The SVG graphic appears like this:

To address the problem, I turned to Canvg in hopes of converting the SVG into an image or PDF using a hidden canvas element. However, the Canvas output ends up looking like this:

Despite my efforts to tweak the styling using CSS, some paths seem to be missing, and the overall appearance is not quite right. Modifying properties like background color and font-family did work successfully, but others such as fill and font color didn't have any effect:

canvas#canvas {
    background-color: aliceblue; //works
    font-family: sans-serif; //works
    font-size: 10px; //works
    fill: gray; //doesn't work

If anyone has experience with customizing paths and font color when creating a canvas element with Canvg, I would greatly appreciate your insights!

Answer №1

To convert an SVG div to PDF, you can utilize the printThis library. Simply identify the div ID containing the SVG and then execute this jQuery statement:


Upon execution, the SVG will be downloaded as a PDF file.

For further information, visit: jasonday/printThis

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