Ways to conceal the picture

Check out the JSfiddle link here for the full code.

I'm having trouble with my slider as the last picture keeps collapsing underneath and is not hidden as it should be. I suspect this issue is causing the slider to malfunction.


<div class="gallery-wrap">
  <div class="gallery clearfix">

     <div class="gallery__item">
          <img src="http://gallery.photo.net/photo/8439353-md.jpg" class="gallery__img" alt="" />
     <div class="gallery__item">
      <img src="http://gallery.photo.net/photo/8439353-md.jpg" class="gallery__img" alt="" />

     <div class="gallery__item">
      <img src="http://gallery.photo.net/photo/8439353-md.jpg" class="gallery__img" alt="" />

    <div class="gallery__item">
      <img src="http://gallery.photo.net/photo/8439353-md.jpg" class="gallery__img" alt="" />

    <div class="gallery__item">
      <img src="http://gallery.photo.net/photo/8439353-md.jpg" class="gallery__img" alt="" />


.gallery-wrap { 

    margin: 0 auto;
    overflow: hidden;
    width: 432px;
.gallery { 
    position: relative;
    left: 0; 
    top: 0; 
.gallery__item { 
    float: left; 
    list-style: none;
    margin-right: 20px;
.gallery__img { 
    display: block;
    border: 4px solid #40331b;
    height: 80px; 
    width: 80px; }

.gallery__controls { margin-top: 10px; }
.gallery__controls-prev { cursor: pointer; float: left; }
.gallery__controls-next { cursor: pointer; float: right; }

    content: '.';
    clear: both;
    height: 0;
    visibility: hidden;


        'titleShow'     : false,
        'transitionIn'  : 'elastic',
        'transitionOut' : 'elastic'
    var totalWidth = 0;

        totalWidth = totalWidth + $(this).outerWidth(true);

    var maxScrollPosition = totalWidth - $(".gallery-wrap").outerWidth();

    function toGalleryItem($targetItem){
            var newPosition = $targetItem.position().left;
            if(newPosition <= maxScrollPosition){


                    left : - newPosition
            } else {

                    left : - maxScrollPosition


        var $targetItem = $(".gallery__item--active").prev();

        var $targetItem = $(".gallery__item--active").next();

Answer №1

Some updates and improvements:

.gallery__item {
    display: inline-block;
    list-style: none;
    margin-right: 20px;

.gallery {
    position: relative;
    overflow: hidden;
    left: 0;
    top: 0;
    white-space: nowrap;

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