What is the best way to adjust the height of a row in a Material UI table using CSS

I've been attempting to establish a row height of 30px for a table (https://material-ui.com/components/tables/), but it seems that the minimum I can set is 53.

Why is this restriction in place? How can I adjust the row height to 30px using CSS based on the documentation link (https://material-ui.com/components/tables/) provided?

I applied height: 30px to the className MuiTableRow-root, but unfortunately, it doesn't seem to have any effect.

Answer №1

In my opinion, the best way to adjust the height of a material-ui table row is by adjusting the overall height of the table itself to your desired measurement.

Here’s an example:

const styles = makeStyles({
  table: {
    height: 450

This solution worked like a charm for me.

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