Dynamically adjusting the width of an HTML element with ng-style using percentage values in AngularJS

I am facing a challenge where I need to display a progress bar in my UI based on a percentage value stored in a JSON response object. Here is an example of the JSON object:

    completionPercent: 42

The desired UI outcome should look like this:

|█████████████████████                             |

In my AngularJS project, I have bound the JSON object as the ng-model of an element. However, when trying to set the width of another element using completionPercent, I ran into an issue. The CSS width property requires a string formatted like '42%', not a number. So the initial approach did not work as expected:

<div id="progressBackground" ... >
    <div id="progressBar"
         ng-style="{ 'width': completionPercent }"
         ... ></div>

To overcome this hurdle, I ended up generating the complete style within the controller function like so:


Although this solution works, it is not ideal for future modifications and scalability. I am exploring alternative methods to implicitly specify that the width should be in percentage. An approach similar to the following would be more efficient:

ng-style="{ 'width-percentage': completionPercent }"

Answer №1

When using the ng-style attribute, remember that the code inside is a javascript object. To add a percentage symbol to your width value, simply append it at the end. This action will convert the numerical width value to a string since you are combining a number with a string.

<div id="progressBackground" ... >
    <div id="progressBar"
         ng-style="{ 'width': completionPercent + '%' }"
         ... ></div>

Answer №2

One more method to accomplish this task is:


Incorporate the following snippet into your code:

<div id="backgroundProgress" ... >
<div id="progressBar"
     ... ></div>

Answer №3

If you're looking to fill up a designated area while still leaving some space at the end for additional text, you can achieve this by using a code snippet like the one below:

<div ng-style="{'width': 'calc('+completionPercent+'% - 250px)'}">&nbsp;</div>

Keep in mind that this method will only be effective with CSS3 compliant browsers, but it adapts well to changes dynamically.

Answer №4

If you want to prevent watching in an Angular JS Application, you can utilize the following syntax:

1. Pixels -  [style.max-width.px]="value" 
2. EM - [style.max-width.em]="value"
3. Percent - [style.max-width.%]="value"

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