Why does the Element.style.left property keep rejecting my input value?

I have encountered a problem with the positioning of elements, specifically with the 'left' property. I've designed a rectangular block using CSS and rotated it by 0.17 radians in JavaScript. Now, my aim is to make the block move diagonally across the screen at a rate of 3 pixels every 20 milliseconds. Using trigonometry and Pythagorean theorem, I calculated that it should move 0.5075470472px to the left and 2.956754301px upwards every 20ms.

This is how I structured my code:

<html lang='en'>
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <link rel='stylesheet' href='.css'>
    <div id='block'></div>
    <script src='.js'></script>


#block {
   width: 19px;
   height: 31px;
   position: absolute;
   background-color: grey;


var block = document.getElementById('block');

block.style.left = '0px';
block.style.top = '500px';
block.style.transform = 'rotate(0.17rad)';

setInterval(function() {
   block.style.left = (parseInt(block.style.left) + 0.5075470472) + 'px';
   block.style.top = (parseInt(block.style.top) - 2.956754301) + 'px';
}, 20);

Although the block successfully moves upward, it fails to move horizontally. Any suggestions on what might be causing this issue?

Answer №1

parseInt rounds off the numbers, to ensure precision use parseFloat:

block.style.left = (parseFloat(block.style.left) + 0.5075470472) + 'px';
block.style.top = (parseFloat(block.style.top) - 2.956754301) + 'px';

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