How to implement a delay for submenu dropdown in Bootstrap 3

I am trying to implement a delay on a submenu that I have created, rather than the entire bootstrap3 dropdown menu. The goal is to allow users to easily move their cursor to the submenu without it closing unexpectedly. Although the jquery code should still be functional in this scenario, I am encountering issues with the implementation.

If you could take a moment to review this bootply example - and offer some assistance or advice on why this is not working as intended, I would greatly appreciate it!

jQuery('li.dropdown-submenu').hover(function () {
    jQuery(this).find('ul.dropdown-menu').stop(true, true).delay(200).fadeIn();
}, function () {
    jQuery(this).find('ul.dropdown-menu').stop(true, true).delay(200).fadeOut();

Answer №1

To fix the issue, you must eliminate this line from your CSS:

.dropdown-submenu:hover > .dropdown-menu{

By removing this code snippet, it should prevent the instant display of the dropdown submenu. I tested this solution on your bootply and found that it worked flawlessly.

Best of luck with your project!

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