Is it possible to create a CSS code that targets specific browsers for a particular style to be applied?

My project has external CSS that contains all the styles for my site. The site looks great in Firefox, but it becomes a mess in Internet Explorer (as usual).

Is there a way to write CSS so that specific styles only apply to certain browsers?

For example, if I have a class called:

.col2{ width:237px; }

How can I adjust this class to have a different width in IE and Firefox?

NOTE: I do not want to use JavaScript to identify the browser.

Answer №1

In my opinion, the most sophisticated resolution was developed by Paul Irish:

Answer №2

Utilize conditional comments for specific styling needs!

If you're targeting only IE6, consider using the * html 'hack':

First, declare your base CSS:

.acol {
width: 100px;

Then, override the style for IE6:

* html .acol {
width: 200px;

Remember to place the IE6 override after the original declaration for proper styling

Answer №3

To optimize CSS for Internet Explorer, it is recommended to use conditional comments to specify specific CSS files:

Alternatively, CSS hacks can be used but they are generally messy and not as widely accepted nowadays:

Answer №4

Have you heard about the handy jQuery plugin known as the CSS Browser selector?

All you have to do is specify the targeted browser in your CSS code, eliminating the need for conditional comments:

.ie .myDiv 
{background-color: #f00;}

.webkit .myDiv
{background-color: #00f;}

This plugin is incredibly simple to set up and utilize :)

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