Elevate with Ease: Tailwind's Height Transition

I've been attempting to implement a transition effect using TailwindCSS, but I haven't found an updated version with the latest features.

Here's the code snippet:

<div id="fadeInElement" className={visible ? " w-2/3 px-5 transition-height duration-500 ease-in-out h-full" : " hidden h-0"} >
     McClintock, a Latin professor at Hampden-Sydney College in.....

Although I added the height property to my tailwindcss config file to enable the use of the height property, the animation still doesn't seem to work. It only displays and hides without transitioning.

Answer №1

To implement smooth animations using the height transition property in Tailwind CSS, follow these steps:

theme: {
    extend: {
      transitionProperty: {
        'height': 'height'

Now you can apply height as a transition property like this:
transition-height duration-500 ease-in-out

To test the animation on hover, add the following to your config file:
variants: {
    height: ['responsive', 'hover', 'focus']

Simply use these classes on any div to see the animation smoothly in action:

bg-green-500 transition-height duration-500 ease-in-out h-8 hover:h-20

For more information and detailed guide, visit: https://tailwindcss.com/docs/transition-property#app

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