Grid Refresh Spinner Update

Our Vaadin Grid features a settings icon that when clicked, opens a window allowing users to select/deselect columns. Upon closing this window (triggering our custom window event), the main window's columns are updated accordingly. Now, my requirement is to display a spinner in the center of the screen while the main window updates (which happens after the settings window is closed).

I have yet to find a suitable spinner for this specific scenario. Are there any sample code snippets or scenarios that could help us achieve this behavior in Vaadin without altering the CSS theme files? If not, can we accomplish this through CSS?

Answer №1

If you're looking to optimize loading times, I recommend checking out the LazyLoadWrapper add-on

For more insights, join the conversation on Strategies for displaying a loading indicator during complex content rendering

Although using CSS to display a loading indicator is an option, consider its effectiveness before implementing.

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