Issues with Internet Explorer causing headaches with CSS :first-child selector malfunctioning, experiencing strange behavior when utilizing Google Web Fonts

Having some trouble with the layout of a website, particularly in IE. The issue can be observed at .

When comparing the page in IE to Firefox, there are noticeable differences. Firstly, the top module on the right side is not displaying correctly in IE. It seems to be adding a 10px margin to the top, despite my CSS specifying that the first-child should have a top-margin of 0px.

Another disparity is seen in the font usage. I am incorporating a Google Web Font which appears fine in Firefox but behaves strangely in IE. Each time the page is refreshed in IE, the font changes. This behavior is puzzling as I have used Google Web Fonts without any cross-browser issues on my personal site.

CSS styles for the modules:

{width:250px; margin:0px; padding:0px; float:right;}

{width:250px; margin:0px; padding:0px; margin-top:10px; background:url('../images/trans-bg.png');}


{width:20px; height:200px; padding:0px; margin:0px; float:left;}

(The module-spacer class maintains text alignment 20px from the left and controls minimum module height)

HTML structure:

<div id="page-modules">
    <div class="module">
        <div class="module-spacer">
            <div class="module-content">            
            <div class="clear">

    <div class="module">
        <div class="module-spacer">
        <div class="module-content">
        <div class="clear">
    <div class="clear">

To address the font issues, including this in the head section:

<link href=',700,400italic,700italic,900,900italic' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'>

Ensure body styling in your CSS includes:

 {font-family: 'Alegreya', serif; font-weight:400; font-style:normal;}

Answer №1

Your webpage is missing a DOCTYPE declaration, causing Internet Explorer to default to quirks mode. This means that IE is not recognizing your :first-child and :hover pseudo-classes and will not display Web fonts that are not in the EOT format (Google only provides WOFF).

Firefox is also displaying your page in quirks mode, but it has native support for both pseudo-classes. Therefore, you may notice different behavior between IE and Firefox due to this discrepancy.

Answer №2

In addition to the points made by BoltClock, it seems that you have omitted setting margin: 0 for the body element. Internet Explorer has a default margin setting in place, which can be beneficial for unstyled websites as it prevents text from being pushed right up against the edge of the browser window, resulting in a more visually appealing layout.

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