Is it possible to modify a scss style in Prestashop?

I have encountered an issue while using a default theme in Prestashop 1.6 that I need assistance with. My goal is to move the navbar up by 25px. I understand that I should make changes to

#block_top_menu {
padding-top: 25px;

in blocktopmenu.scss, which is located in the theme directory rather than the modules directory, indicating it should override the default style. Although I successfully disabled it using the browser Inspector tool, the changes are not permanent.

I attempted modifying the file by adjusting 25px to 0px. However, upon reloading the page, there was no change and the inspector displayed the original code. As a next step, I added !important to the CSS in blocktopmenu.css within the modules category:

#block_top_menu {
padding-top: 0px !important;

Hoping to override the scss file, but unfortunately, this did not produce any visible changes. In a last-ditch effort, I deleted the scss file from the server, yet nothing changed, and the Inspector continued to display it.

Feeling puzzled, I am unsure of what to do next. Should I attempt to clear the cache in Prestashop? Any guidance would be greatly appreciated.

EDIT: Upon clearing the cache, there were still no improvements.

Answer №1

The file

is compiled into

If you have come across the .scss file, there should also be a corresponding .css file.

While many users directly edit the .css file, it is recommended to make extensive style changes, such as altering the color scheme for the entire website, by editing the .scss files and compiling them into .css. Modifying a theme variable in the .scss file will reflect those changes throughout its usage, making it easier to manage styles by editing one location instead of multiple places.

To work with .scss, you will need two tools: sass and compass. Make sure to follow installation instructions specific to your operating system.

Once these tools are installed, navigate to the theme folder in the console and run the following command:

/var/www/themes/theme1/ > compass build

Executing this command in the theme folder will compile the .scss files into .css and save them in the css folder within the theme directory.

Answer №2

Insert the following code into the top menu.scss file within a wrapper class designated for that specific id:

  div.[your wrapper id which wraps the element]#block_top_menu{padding-bottom:$block-top-menu;} 

This will only affect that particular section and not impact the entire scss.

Answer №3

To convert SCSS into a CSS file is necessary since browsers can only understand CSS code.

In the case of Prestashop, it imports multiple CSS files with 'global.css' being the main one, along with specific stylesheets for various modules. By using developer tools, you can easily identify which styles are affecting margins and make necessary modifications. For example, the block top menu often uses a CSS file named 'superfish-modified.css'.

Additionally, keep in mind that Prestashop comes equipped with a caching system to optimize performance.

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