CSS: Position an element based on the size of the screen

I'm currently developing a program that will dynamically resize elements based on the viewer's screen size. The program is being built using JSP/SQL/XHTML/CSS, and I have a couple of queries.

Is there a way to select a CSS file by storing the screen width in a JSP variable?

Can I align a div below another div and use the upper div as a container for it? This question might be a bit complex.

Objective: Display an image with a text label underneath it. Issue: The div is nested within a parent div, and the image displayed will change based on the screen size.

Here's an example of what I am trying to achieve:

<div id="container">
<div id="inner">
    <div class="1">--stuff</div>
    <div class="2"><img src="server:8080/project?minutes=720&width=<%= out.print(width) %> </div> <-- want to align under this
    <div class="3">--stuff</div>
<div id="label"> <--Want this div aligned underneath "2"
    <div class="1">2.0</div> <-- Want the text at 25% of the image (right)
    <div class="2">4.0</div> <-- Want the text at 50% of the image (right)
    <div class="3">6.0</div> <-- Want the text at 75% of the image (right)
    <div class="4">8.0</div> <-- Want the text at 100% of the image (right)

Answer №1

Implementing Responsive Design can be a fascinating journey, but it can also become quite complex at times. While it may require some learning curve, there is a fantastic course offered by CodeSchool known as Journey Into Mobile that specifically delves into adaptive screen sizes and will help set you in the right direction.

Answer №2

If you want to master Responsive design, Media Queries, and Fluid layouts, be sure to delve into these subjects.
Codeschool has an excellent course that delves into these topics in detail.

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