The HTML embed element is utilized to display multimedia content within a webpage, encompassing

Currently, I am working on a static website for my Computer Networks course. Students need to be able to download homework files in PDF format from the website. I have used embed tags to display the files online, but I'm facing an issue where the embedded elements are covering the div tags in the navigation bar. Despite using the z-index css attribute, the problem persists. Is there anyone who can suggest a helpful solution to resolve this? Thank you!

Here is the HTML code for my Navigation Bar:

<div id="Navsun"><a href="NewCourseIntr.html">CourseIntroduction</a>
      <div id="secondnav">
       <ul id="menu">
         <li><a href="Team.html" class="subsun">Team</a></li>          
         <li><a href="TeachFundation.html" class="subsun">Foundation</a></li>
         <li><a href="TeachContent.html" class="subsun">Content</a></li>

Below is the CSS code being used:

#Navsun:hover #secondnav
    z-index:100;/*change the z-index value to avoid covered by embed or flash element*/

The embed element looks like this:

<div id="pdfDiv">
<embed width="99%" height="510px;" src="homework1.pdf" id="PdfShow1" type="application/pdf" style="margin-left:2px;display:block;"/>

Overview of my HTML file structure:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Computer Networks</title>
<div id="nav">
 <!--Navigation bar is here-->
<div id="pdfDiv">
<embed width="99%" height="510px;" src="homwork1.pdf" id="PdfShow1" type="application/pdf" style="margin-left:2px;display:block;"/>
<div id="footer">


The current result appears as follows:

Answer №1

To display a PDF document on your website, you can use an iframe element and position it within a div. This allows you to have control over the styling and placement of the div. For reference, you can check out this example:

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