Omit the element from the event listener

Is there a way to prevent the image from triggering a click event in this code snippet?

$('#templtable .trhover *:not(#infoimg)').live('click', function(event) {

$('#infoimg').click(function(event) {

Below is the structure of the table:

<table><tr class='trhover'><td><img id='infoimg' src='/images/icon-info.gif' alt='Details'><input type='checkbox' class='followup' id='1' value='234234'></td><td>234234</td></tr><table>

Despite attempting to exclude the image, the image still retains its click event functionality. Any ideas on how to fix this issue?

Appreciate any help you can provide.

Answer №1

It appears that your code is not valid. However, if you wish to prevent the img element from triggering the click event, you can use the following selector: $('tr *:not(img)'). Please note that this will still trigger the event when clicking the img due to event bubbling. To prevent this, you must bind an event to stop the propagation.

$('.trhover *:not(#infoimg)').bind('click', function(event) {
    $('body').append('click -> '+event.currentTarget.tagName+'<br />');
$('#infoimg').click(function(event) {

You can test this solution here:
For a version with added rows, try this link:

Answer №2

Oh no, your code needs some fixing...
First of all, make sure to close your <tr> tag properly and remove that extra </td>.
Secondly, using end() cancels your filter unnecessarily and remember that live() is deprecated now - switch to using on() instead.
If you want the click event to work on elements with class .trhover, try this:

$('.trhover').on('click', function(){});

If you don't want <img> elements to respond to click(), follow czerasz's suggestion.
Also, why are you filtering the checkbox? What should it be doing?

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